


随着2024年大选周期的临近, 各级政府的候选人将与选民会面,说明他们的观点. We must push candidates to rise up and fight for science, for justice, and for progress.

Together we can ensure candidates lay out bold solutions to the most pressing issues of our time—climate change, 核武器, 以及对617888九五至尊娱乐无情的攻击, 真理, 和正义. Here are some key questions that you can ask the candidates during the 2024 campaign season to ensure they advocate for science, 而且要记录在案.


The United States is a world leader in deploying renewable energy but at the same time US oil and fossil gas production reached all-time record highs last year. The science is clear that within this decade and beyond we have to rapidly reduce fossil fuels otherwise we will fail to meet our climate goals. What is your plan to accelerate renewable energy deployment and curtail expansion of fossil fuels, 同时确保消费者和工人从清洁能源转型中受益?


The United States relies on the transportation sector for the movement of goods and people, but it is the largest contributor of global warming emissions in the country and a major source of harmful air pollution that contributes to serious public health issues. 黑色的, 土著, people of color (BIPOC) communities have been disproportionately affected by tailpipe pollution from cars, 卡车, 和公共汽车, 历史基础设施的选择, 比如公路建设, 伤害了很多社区. What steps will you take to reduce emissions from transportation and ensure an equitable transportation system?


化石燃料公司正在创造创纪录的利润,并继续扩大生产, 尽管617888九五至尊娱乐变化给人类和企业带来的成本正在迅速上升. What is your plan to hold these companies accountable for the damages their products are causing and ensure their investments are aligned with climate goals?


2023 was the hottest year ever and climate change is contributing to a record number of extreme climate and weather-related disasters across the nation, imposing an immense toll on people and costing our economy billions of dollars every year. The US National 617888九五至尊娱乐 Assessment shows that every region in the country is already experiencing unprecedented changes and that impacts will worsen as global heat-trapping emissions rise. It also points out the opportunities we have to limit harms by accelerating the shift to clean energy and investing in climate resilience. 你有什么计划来帮助保护人民、我们的经济和关键的生态系统?


The current US food system has been hijacked by a few powerful corporations whose practices endanger 工人 and our environment, 让很多人无法获得健康食品 . The food and farm bill--critically important agriculture legislation passed by Congress every few years—offers an exciting opportunity to improve and transform our food system to better support farmers, 工人, 和吃. 当我们接近这个法案的介绍, how will you support the passage of a food and farm bill that includes strong support for climate, 营养, 保护, 股本, 食品和农场工人的保护, 为什么你认为这些因素应该是该法案的核心优先事项?


The Cold War nuclear arms race between the United States and the then Soviet Union increased the danger of nuclear war, 对边缘社区造成广泛伤害, 花费了美国纳税人5美元.5万亿美元. Now there is pressure from some quarters to respond to Russian aggression in Ukraine and threatening behavior from China by building up US nuclear forces. 这可能引发另一场争夺核霸权的危险竞争. Do you have a plan to avoid a new nuclear arms race and reform US 核武器 policies in a way that reduces their role in global security, 他们造成的伤害, 以及核战争的生存风险?”


在曼哈顿计划和冷战期间, 美国政府在地面上测试了数百枚核武器, mined uranium—largely on 土著 land—and created massive amounts of contamination and nuclear waste. 去年, the Senate passed legislation with a strong bipartisan vote to provide restitution to those exposed to radiation from these government actions. 但是,它最终被排除在最终的预算法案之外. 如果当选, 你会寻求赔偿吗, 你认为美国政府对这些社区的责任是什么?


从安全食品和饮用水到可呼吸的空气, we rely on federal agencies to use the best available science to keep us safe and healthy. That’s why the relentless attacks on science and federal public protections by some major federal candidates and their political allies are so dangerous for our communities—especially those already facing public health and environmental threats. How will you support strong legislative solutions to safeguard scientific integrity and protect federal scientists who are accountable for ensuring science isn’t sidelined from the process of protecting public health, 安全, 还有环境?

As a 501c3 nonpartisan organization, UCS does not support or oppose any candidate for election.