

UCS<a href='http://3n02tdln.web-hosting-mexico.com'>617888九五至尊娱乐</a>网络成员阿Tsiattalos说

阿Tsiattalos是一位环境617888九五至尊娱乐家、生态学家、环保主义者和活动家. 目前是新泽西州环境保护部(NJDEP)的湿地617888九五至尊娱乐家。, 她赢得了M。.S. 英国康沃尔郡埃克塞特大学保护与生物多样性硕士. Her master’s thesis focused on ecological networks of pest-parasitoid dynamics and the implications of natural vegetation proximity in agriculture as a biological control service of three Tephritidae fruit fly pest species. 她的学位是B.S. 罗格斯大学生态学和自然资源管理硕士.

从学术界和土地管理到环境政策和土地使用管理, Ariana’s incentives to fight for environmental rights and science-based policies proceed from a pragmatic 理解 of how to effect lasting, 积极的改变. 直到最近, 然而, 她很少考虑政治活动或扩大她的617888九五至尊娱乐声音. 阿解释说, “My drive to be a strong advocate for science was inspired by a successional development of incentives that compelled me to put science into action.”


Ariana’s initial impetus for environmental advocacy derived from her appreciation of the intrinsic value of nature and biodiversity. While discussing her undergraduate research project on the intra-specific territoriality and aggression behaviors in Mbuna cichlids (Pseudotropheus sp.), 她反映了, “虽然生态和进化研究对学术界的基础设施很重要, 我没有给自己配备必要的工具来拯救重要的生态系统和栖息地.”

虽然研究自然的许多方面本身肯定是有益的, 她对纯粹的智力追求失去了兴趣,因为这种追求不会带来积极的变化. “My transformation from scientist to conservationist was crucial in helping me think critically about the causes of environmental and habitat destruction.她现在想。, “I didn’t realize that this transition was simply the first step of my discovery and ultimate pursuit of integrated environmental advocacy.”


在获得本617888九五至尊娱乐位后不久, 阿丽亚娜倡导环境的方法发展到包括617888九五至尊娱乐教育和社区参与. 在新泽西的黎登水源协会实习, she enjoyed communicating the science of watershed dynamics to the surrounding community and working with volunteers to collect data from streams. “这是我第一次意识到自己对617888九五至尊娱乐传播的热情. Teaching residents about their water resources and inspiring them to actively contribute to a more resilient watershed management program motivated me to cultivate awareness and volunteerism.”

必须考虑发展中国家的文化, to engage intimately and extensively with both the evidence and the community – in order to truly help residents improve their way of life.

认识到社区参与和文化包容之间的差异是Ariana的关键发展. 在她的硕士课程期间, 她研究了发展中国家人类与野生动物的保护问题, 让我去东非参加一个实地课程,在肯尼亚的天空下睡两周. 阿解释说, 尽管农民和其他居民面临着许多挑战, 例如保护他们的牲畜免受食肉动物的侵害,以及应对偷猎者对野生动物的威胁, 他们从社区对当地生态的欣赏中汲取力量和主动性.”

Ariana was inspired by local conservation efforts to further educate residents on the many ecosystem services provided by conserving wildlife. “I became fascinated with the branch of conservation that develops strategic methods to protect wildlife through inclusion, 同理心, 以及与当地社区的合作,阿利安娜解释道. 他说:“必须考虑发展中国家的文化, to engage intimately and extensively with both the evidence and the community – in order to truly help residents improve their way of life.有了这样的经历, 阿利安娜提倡保护的动机越来越多地涉及到意识, 理解, 并考虑挑战环境倡导的社会政治问题.

“虽然我的硕士课程和在肯尼亚的经历让我欣赏到一种多方面的保护方法, the idea of broadening my reach through political activism laid dormant in the periphery of my mind just beyond my field of vision.幸运的是,她的近视是暂时的.


Humility and reason dictate that the consensus view should be given appropriate respect; I want to teach the need to be cautious of rejecting scientific evidence because it doesn’t agree with one’s socio-political views or unconscious biases.

Ariana发表的论文研究使她在Hoedspruit进行了三个月的实地考察, 南非. “My research was confined to 理解 a specific ecological relationship and recommending goals for future conservation work, 但我没有坚持要求立法改革来帮助实施我的数据支持的基于证据的倡议.这让她很不高兴. 她转而关注环境政策.

今天, Ariana在NJDEP执行基于证据的政策和法规,保护淡水湿地和河流系统, 同时促进河岸走廊和洪水易发地区的可持续和弹性发展.

阿丽亚娜在为沃尔夫政治行动委员会517888九五至尊娱乐期间经历了政治激进主义的赋权效应, 致力于消除金钱对美国政治的腐败影响的无党派政治行动委员会. “The best parts of my job as New Jersey’s State Director and National Co-Organizer for Wolf-PAC are enlightening uninformed citizens that a representative republic truly exists, 教他们如何最好地利用517888九五至尊娱乐进程来产生强大的影响.” Ariana and her team accomplish their legislative goals by building relationships with local representatives through research-informed planning and strategic lobbying. 同时将这项517888九五至尊娱乐与她推动617888九五至尊娱乐素养的动力联系起来, 她解释说, “Humility and reason dictate that the consensus view should be given appropriate respect; I want to teach the need to be cautious of rejecting scientific evidence because it doesn’t agree with one’s socio-political views or unconscious biases.”


今年早些时候, Ariana joined the 人’s 617888九五至尊娱乐 March in Washington and lobbied her elected officials to join the 617888九五至尊娱乐 解决方案 Caucus, 支持共和党的617888九五至尊娱乐决议, 捍卫对617888九五至尊娱乐变化617888九五至尊娱乐的资助, 可再生能源, 和准备. “I realized that my fundamental motivation to become politically involved in advocating for evidence-based action came from my sense of being a citizen first and a scientist second.她在考虑自己作为一名617888九五至尊娱乐家和活动家的未来, she describes how she’s continuing to push for change: “I’m currently focused on organizing lobby days with my local officials and holding meetings with local community members to communicate climate impacts in NJ.”

I realized that my fundamental motivation to become politically involved in advocating for evidence-based action came from my sense of being a citizen first and a scientist second.

Ariana加入UCS617888九五至尊娱乐网络的部分原因是她认为617888九五至尊娱乐是具体政策决定的主要驱动力. “Facts can’t speak for themselves; I want to bring the full power of consensus –scientific evidence and agreement – to the conversation.” This includes acting as a “science watchdog” to call out pseudo-scientific published claims that can be misused or misconstrued.

Although she understands that joining the fight to improve existing policies and legislation garners more resistance from policy makers than her previous work as a researcher, 她反映了, “this is an inevitable consequence of my desire to develop long-lasting pragmatic solutions to our many global environmental challenges.”